Social enterprises need to earn their income (generate sales) as soon as possible, but most will need support to get started so here’s a few useful sources
- The Power To Change is an independent Trust that has been endowed £150m to support community enterprise development across the UK
- The School for Social Entrepreneurs run the Llyods Bank funded social entrepreneurs action learning programme which includes initial grants to get started
- UnLtd provide social entrepreneurs with start-up funding to get the idea going. Funding up to £18,000 (2024)
- The Social Investment Business aims to connect social and community enterprises with social investors, often have specific grant programmes for social enterprises – check our their “our funds” page for open programmes
- The Princes Trust run an enterprise programme for young people and have a small grants programme
- Setting up or growing a cooperative – Business Support for Coops funding and consultancy support for cooperatives and mutuals
- Good Finance will take you through all you need to know about Social Finance. Mainly repayable but some blended finance available too.
- Get Grants, provides support and information on grant making trusts and other funders
See also: