Being a social enterprise business support organisation we were pleased to sponsor Social Enterprise West Midlands SE Passion award this year.
The SE Passion Award was one which we picked as it recognises young people who are making great leaps in social enterprise.
The event held on Social Enterprise day (20th November) as part of Enterprise Week was hosted by Birmingham University which was a fabulous setting for the awards.
Pictured above is the winner of SE Passion category Class Careers. Class Careers work to connect young people with enhanced education and early stage career opportunities”
(Left to right: Dave Lane CEO of Development in Social Enterprise, Christos Orthodoxou of Class Careers and Melanie Mills, Social Enterprise West Midlands Chief Executive, photograph credit Aidem Digital).
We’re committed to supporting social enterprises develop and we’re pleased to be demonstrating this support by sponsoring the awards. Being a social entrepreneur brings great rewards, but challenges in equal measure, that’s why we think recognising achievement in awards like this is essential. We’d like to congratulate all those nominated and wish you all every success in your social ventures.” (Dave Lane CE)
If you would like to read more about the winners see here