Development in Social Enterprise CIC are very pleased to announce that they have recently been awarded a contract by Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC) to deliver a significant operational intelligence project for the Talent Match Birmingham and Solihull programme.
The mapping exercise will identify new initiatives in Birmingham and Solihull which support the Talent Match sustainable youth employment project.
Talent Match is a national youth employment preparation programme funded by the Big lottery Fund. The Talent Match Birmingham and Solihull project began in July 2014, with an award of £7.6 million over five years. BVSC aim to support 1,000 young adults aged 18-24, who face significant barriers in entering the labour market. They also provide a range of innovative programme of skills development and ‘wrap around’ support for young adults. The aim of this support is to help them find and sustain meaningful employment, move into further education or set up their own enterprise.
BVSC are working in partnership with Solihull SUSTAiN to deliver the Talent Match Programme.
Development in Social Enterprise CIC are well under way with the project work and are currently collating together all information about providers of support programmes to help NEETS. Young people Not in Employment, Education or Training. ‘We are very much looking forward to his project and are pleased with the progress so far on this one’ David Lane, CEO Development in Social Enterprise CIC ‘We believe Talent Match is an important contract for us to engage with support providers in the Birmingham and Solihull area’.
The work for this project will be delivered through June and July 2015.