Our friends at Big Society Capital have asked us to highlight this training which is aimed at advisors who provide support to other groups.
An overview of the things you need to know to understand how SITR can offer a route to raising funds for the organisations you work with.
DATE: Tuesday 29th September 2015
TIME: 11am
DURATION: 45 minutes
As part of Big Society Capital’s GET IT initiative, we are hosting a free webinar for providers and advisors that work with trading charities and social enterprises to help them understand the opportunities that Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) brings to the sector. BWB Consultant, Neil Pearson, is our SITR expert and will provide a 30 minute walk through of who, what and when SITR can be used. This will be followed by 15 minutes of Q&A time.
Further free CPD accredited events will be offered to those advisors who after the webinar feel they would benefit from a more detailed understanding of SITR.
If you are interesting in participating in this webinar, please sign-up here.
Please contact Esther Blake on eblake@bigsocietycapital.com for any further questions.